Sunday, July 3, 2011

Cake, Coffee, and a Rainy Afternoon

I consider last May 9, 2011 to be a perfect Monday. It had rained hard the previous day, which resulted to an overcast and windy Monday. I didn't go to the office and opted to work from home because I was afraid it would get flooded.

I started my usual day with hot coffee and some cake that Poi bought my mom for Mother’s Day. It was the first time I enjoyed sitting outside and reading because it wasn’t scorching hot. It's probably just me, but the coffee tasted more fantastic and paired with the cake, was just perfect.

That was also the time Poi asked me to help her write a paper, so I had fun reading some articles while having coffee and cake.

Some people get depressed or sad when it’s rainy because everything is gray and cold and wet. But I adore the weather (except for the resulting flood), I love snuggling, having some hot coffee or warm soup and just doing whatever—in this case, enriching my mind with a good read─Absence of Copula and the Notion of Simplicity: A Study of Normal Speech, Baby Talk, Foreigner Talk, and Pidgins—I'm a big dork when left by myself. o_O

So what’s your perfect day? :)

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