Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kimchi Fried Rice Recipe – Another Vegan Delight

I’m featuring another fried rice recipe, because you can never go wrong with fried rice (unless you are unbelievably incapable of making something so simple). Just kidding! I swear, you can use almost anything to make fried rice and it would turn out absolutely delicious. I guess that’s the magic of day-old rice, lots of garlic and a little bit of soy sauce. Haha. So why kimchi fried rice?

For days I’ve been watching Full House (Korean series) and—let’s just ignore the fact that I’m five years late in watching this series—in one episode Jessie (Song Hye-Kyo) was eating kimchi rice out of a big pot. Justin (Rain) asked her what the hell is kimchi rice and how did she make it, and she said she just tossed in some kimchi in a pot of rice, added more vegetables and seasoned it with a bit of soy sauce. Justin added that she was disgusting for eating something like it. Haha.

But the truth is, it’s not disgusting at all, especially if you ask any other kimchi lover like me. I just love kimchi, probably because the flavor is really strong and it’s very spicy. Anyway, that was what inspired me to make it, and earlier today I had some time to kill so I headed off to the grocery to buy the basic ingredients in making kimchi fried rice. The recipe after the jump!

4 cups of rice
1 small bottle of Chinese cabbage kimchi (or radish, whatever is your preference)
1 tbsp sesame oil
A dash of sesame seeds
1 tsp soy sauce
1 small garlic, minced
3 long stalks of spring onions, finely chopped

So all you have to do is proceed like how you would when making fried rice. In a very hot pan, sauté first the garlic in sesame oil, then add the rice. Season it with soy sauce and spring onions, mix it well together, before putting in the bottle of kimchi—with all the juice included. Be sure that you don’t let it cook for too long because vegetables get soggy very easily in high heat (especially if you’re using cabbage kimchi). Sprinkle some sesame seeds, and add a little more sesame oil for added flavor.

Top it with a sunny side up and you already have a really delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner! Haha.
One thing I suck at is making a perfect sunny side up. This is sunny's yellow brain splattered all over. LOL

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