Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Goodies from South Korea

I started my day at the office happily because an officemate gave me some goodies from our big boss who went to South Korea over the weekend. Chocolates are always a welcome sight for me. She gave me a white chocolate-covered strawberry which got me all wide-eyed, and another one which I picked from a big box and which came with a catalogue –yes, apparently choosing chocolates from a box requires some sort of special knowledge about it first. Talk about being fancy.

So I took a look at the catalogue and read the descriptions of each. In the end I chose CafĂ© Macchiato. Do I still need to explain why? =) I almost died. Haha. It was so rich and thick; quite bitter but just enough. It was small but I wasn’t able to finish it immediately. As I’ve said, it was too rich.

Aside from the chocolates, I was also given two small packs of nori, one kimchi-flavored! I’m not a fan of nori, but I love kimchi. It was yummy. I just gave the regular nori to my brother because it was too blah for my taste.

BUTTTTT it got me thinking. I want to make homemade California maki one of these days. Will research a bit more about it before I actually do it. I don’t want to fail miserably.

Watch out for future posts to see if I go through another would-be first. =) I’m pretty excited about making California maki already!

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