Monday, July 4, 2011

Rainy Monday Brunch—Grilled Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich and Iced Coffee

I woke up late today because staying at home for too long disrupts my body clock. I have been staying awake longer than I normally had the past two weeks, so I have also been waking up late. Good thing when I woke up though, it wasn't at all hot. As a matter of fact, there was a slight drizzle, which got me in the mood to fix me up some nice brunch to have outside.

I am normally not a fan of peanut butter. I just think it tastes awful. But weirdly enough, when combined with strawberry jam, it just works. Hah. The wonders of food.

Also, I am a fan of grilled sandwiches. I grill almost every sandwich I make, sometimes not even to have crispy hot sandwich, but just to have those pretty horizontal marks that makes sandwich looks fancy. Haha!

Having iced coffee today is purely accidental. We keep our milk in the fridge, so when you pour cold milk into freshly brewed hot coffee, the result is a weird lukewarm drink. So I decided to just put some ice and have it cold, a break in my usual morning routine.

So that’s how I ended up with my brunch for today—ice cold coffee and really delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich (which I haven’t had in years).

Best nomnom way: 

Having brunch while reading a good book or even just a blog. :)

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