Sunday, July 3, 2011

Veggie Fried Rice—Vegan Delight

I love the aroma of fried rice. I absolutely love the smell of garlic. Even if there isn't any other ingredient, fried rice with lots of garlic makes it very tasty already.

But a few weeks ago, I had an unusual craving for broccoli. We rarely have vegetables at home, which is actually a bummer because I am crazy for crisp and fresh greens, and other vegetable dishes.

So I decided to head out to Savemore supermarket near our house and shop for some broccoli and some mixed veggies. Making this veggie fried rice takes about only 15 minutes or so because you don’t have to dice or cut anything else aside from the broccoli.

It’s simple, it’s delicious, and it’s healthy. It’s a complete meal even if you eat it as is because of all the vegetables included.

Best nomnom way:

If you are crazy for vegetables also, toss in some cauliflower, mushrooms, zucchinis! Staying away from meat has never been this fun. :)

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